The Federal Aviation Administration unveiled a new funding opportunity yesterday, allocating approximately $1.5 billion in new competitive grants through the Airport Improvement Program (AIP). This initiative aims to support airport infrastructure upgrades and renovations, focusing on safety, capacity, security, and environmental sustainability.
This funding opportunity comes as part of the FAA's commitment to addressing environmental concerns and reducing emissions in the aviation industry. In line with the Biden administration's efforts to combat climate change, the FAA seeks to finance projects that curb greenhouse gas emissions, improve climate resilience, and positively impact disadvantaged communities.
Over the past ten years, the AIP has received an average annual appropriation of $3.35 billion. In the previous fiscal year, the FAA granted 374 discretionary awards, amounting to nearly $1.76 billion. Individual grant awards ranged from $37,000 to $44,400,000, with an average value of $4,700,000. Starting later this month, the FAA plans to begin awarding discretionary grants for FY 2023, with each grant having a 4-year performance period.
Who should apply? Eligible applicants for these grants include state, county, city or township governments, and private entities owning a public-use National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) airport. Applicants from all geographic locations within the United States are welcome to apply. Private entities owning and operating public-use airports are encouraged to apply for these grants.
Types of Projects. Eligible projects include improvements related to airport safety, capacity, security, and environmental sustainability. These projects can involve airfield capital improvements, rehabilitation efforts, and, in some specific situations, terminals, hangars, and non-aviation development. Professional services, such as planning, surveying, and design, that are necessary for eligible projects, may also be eligible for funding.
Application Process and Criteria. To apply for AIP grants, applicants must submit their proposals to the appropriate Regional Office or Airport District Office. Applications should demonstrate how the proposed project meets at least one of the Administration's goals, such as safety, environmental stewardship, climate change and sustainability, equity, creation of jobs, and infrastructure investment.
Projects must meet the prerequisites for funding, which include being contained in the airport's approved layout plan, having an environmental determination, completing all necessary airspace studies, having title to land, and satisfying intergovernmental review and airport user consultation requirements.
Per the funding opportunity announcement, the FAA reviews both discretionary grants for eligibility and justification following the statutory ACIP process. Funding levels year-over-year will vary based on annual appropriations. Discretionary projects in the ACIP are evaluated for priority and readiness in accordance with the AIP Handbook. The inclusion of a project in the national ACIP does not constitute a commitment to federal funding.
The FAA's Airport Improvement Program presents a valuable opportunity for private entities owning and operating public-use airports to secure funding for crucial infrastructure improvements. By focusing on safety, environmental stewardship, and sustainability, the program aims to create a lasting impact on the aviation industry. As a result, this program has the potential to contribute to the broader goal of creating a cleaner, more environmentally friendly aviation sector for generations to come.
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